If you really knew me you would know I feel the urge to change the world right now, right here. I don’t really know what racism is, I have been called white priveliged and I also not know what that is. I am not ignorant or stupid, through my eyes I just see people in fear. Screaming for justice and use violence, vandalism. People shouting out for leadership and wait for something to change.
It won’t
If you don’t take your own responsability.
This is what I do know, shouting won’t help, start listening. Be sillent for a minute and start remember what you are made of: Love ❤️❤️❤️ start connecting again with your essence. And (re)act with your heart instead of your head! No one can tell you what to do, you have a choice. Do you choose love or hate, love or fear?
There are no excusses anymore, This is the time to change our world, be sillent and listen to your heart and act on it.
Bring your own (female energy) leadership into this world, Lets show ourselfs, our children, our loved ones and all humanity, that we are all the same, If we can teach each other that we are different, we can also teach each other we are the same, as simple as that, let’s make it simple again. And If your head is telling you that it won’t work…. This is what you can do: sillence your head and pump up the volume of our heart. There you will find your answers to change. If you believe this.type: #iamin
Let’s do this together and as one!
Love you!
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